Mary is the model for each Sister – as Bride and Handmaid of the Lord, as well as companion of her Son beneath the Cross, in the Church and in the world; our holy Guardian Angels and all the holy angels, to whom we bind ourselves by the consecration, are likewise models and companions on our way.
We pray and sacrifice especially for the Holy Father and the Bishops – especially for the Bishop of our own diocese, his concerns and his priests. Our help for priests consists above all in spiritual support through prayer, sacrifice and living our bond with God; but it also involves active help in domestic and administrative areas, in the secretariat and management, in retreat work, and in the ministry to families, children and youth.
We bear all the diverse concerns and needs of men and of our times in intercession before God and ask for them the protection and help of the holy angels.
Sisters of the Holy Cross
164 Apollo Rd SE • Carrollton, OH 44615
Tel. (330) 476-7020